Archives for the month of: August, 2013


I am definitely beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s slightly terrifying and also exciting.

Out of the five of us who started this Whole30 challenge only 3 of us are really still in the same game, and 3 out of 3 we are deciding to keep sticking with this plan. Maybe not so strictly worrying about every single ingredient in there so that eating out can actually happen without anxiety, but I think my grocery list will most likely reflect this grain-free, sugar-free, soy-free diet. That’s not to say that gluten-free oatmeal or quinoa for breakfast won’t happen in the colder months, or a bar of 70% dark chocolate (without soy lichen) may not make it into my shopping cart on occasion, and raw dairy will hopefully be coming back (assuming it still agrees with me), but I am definitely going to be a much more conscious and aware shopper and eater.

I’m getting a head of myself here… I just can’t stop thinking about how life may or may not change after the next 4 days…

Over the last 5 days, however, there has been a bunch of snacking, some pretty basic yet delicious meals, and some great hanging out with the people I love.


Ayrshire Bratwurst with fried eggs, greens, and grainy mustard. (If you also didn’t notice, I’m ready “Organic Manifesto” for work right now and it is AMAZING!!! I will definitely be blogging about that soon!)


Ayrshire bratwirst, kimchi, scrambled eggs with beet greens, and grainy mustard.


Tuna steak medallion marinated in s&p, ginger, garlic, toasted sesame seeds, crushed red pepper, coconut aminos, and rice vinegar cooked in coconut oil accompanied by shiitake mushrooms and baby bok choy cooked with s&p, garlic, and ginger in coconut oil with a big serving of kimchi.


Halibut cooked in s&p and coconut oil with a squirt of lemon, kimchi, and the previous night’s baby bok choy and shiitake mushrooms transformed into soup with homemade beef stock.


Coming back to my Weston Price breakfast roots with 3 fried eggs and a big mug of beef stock. 🙂

There was one day I didn’t feel  like eating at all. It was Day 18 and I was feeling like I was going to turn into an egg…

Mom and I went to Potomac Vegetable Farms and were looking through the veggies for some inspiration to cook and eat. Okra was a plenty, and even though we had already made okra cakes, somehow we turned to our little green friends again. This time making a Whole30 friendly gumbo.

We started off by cooking some italian sausage from a local farm. Next, we sautéed the rest of our ingredients in the big soup pot.


Coooking some chicken backs along with celery, leeks, red pepper, onion, and garlic along with our okra in olive oil, salt, and pepper.

We pulled off any meat from the chicken backs for the gumbo and then added in our homemade chicken stock, and the rest of the ingredients; being sure to add the shrimp in last to make sure they didn’t over cook.


Then, we added chicken stock, local italian sausage, bay leaves, fresh chopped parsley, and some Whole30 friendly hot sauce and apple cider vinegar. Then, lastly we added the shrimp.

We also added a tiny bit of arrow root powder to thicken up the stock a bit. Be sure to keep stirring the arrow root when you add it in to make sure it doesn’t get lumpy!!


Et, voila!

This really may have been the most amazing meal we made so far on the Whole30 challenge.

I’m sorry I cook with my eyeballs and my tongue, but if you have any questions let me know!! Give it a whirl!

A whole week has gone by and I feel like there is some news but not too much. Part of that may because I’m just in the groove now so somethings have just lost that sparkle.

I’ve been eating a lot of snack and left overs and just trying to keep up with calorie consumption while not getting bored and staying motivated. It’s hard to believe that 20 days have already gone by.

I feel like every time a new level of Whole30 has been reached by body back slides a little bit. I’m really trying hard not to over analyze and worry, but when food is your main concern 24/7, it’s hard not to. For instance, my skin was looking great, and then I’d break out, and then it’d look great, and then again, break out. It’s still in that hormonal balancing area of the face like I mentioned last time, so I’m not sure if hormones are truly balancing, or if I’m just getting ready to have my period. I used to break out in this region of the face when I was younger, but it hasn’t been so much lately. The same yo-yo feeling has been going on with the weight loss/feeling as though I look bloated factor. Again, maybe it’s just my period, and I have to say I’m excited to see what my period is like on this diet. (Look out boys! You know that post will be coming at some point!)

All of this most likely comes back to sleep. Sleep. The foundation of our lives. I’ve been trying to get back into the habit of getting up early, and, ideally, getting to bed in time to grab a solid 8 hours. The only dilemma is that I’ve been pushing hard for the 4:30am wake up call. I have a lot of work to do lately between yoga, blogging, going to work, and reading homework (both actual homework for work as well as friend imposed homework), so getting up almost 2 hours before the sun gives me so much more time and freedom to get stuff done. However, in order to get 8 hours of sleep that means 8:30pm bed time, (It’s like I’m 8 years old again) and often I’m not even home till 9 or 10pm… Still working the kinks out on that…

Here are a few glimpses of meals that happened this past week.

Left over ground turkey curry over sautéed zucchini.

Left over ground turkey curry over sautéed zucchini.

My first attempt at homemade mayonnaise. Our pastured chickens' eggs made it super-duper yellow!

My first attempt at homemade mayonnaise. Our pastured chickens’ eggs made it super-duper yellow!

Mom's top-secret lamb burgers. I will tell you that they have toasted pine nuts in them ;)

Mom’s top-secret lamb burgers. I will tell you that they have toasted pine nuts in them 😉

Shrimp Salad (almost the same as the last time, but I used my runny mayonnaise as the dressing)

Shrimp Salad (almost the same as the last time, but I used my runny mayonnaise as the dressing)

All together with some green beans!

All together with some green beans!

Last night's dinner. Ayrshire Farm Bratwurst with roasted beets, sautéed beet greens, pastured eggs, Bubbies sauerkraut, and grainy mustard.

Last night’s dinner. Ayrshire Farm Bratwurst with roasted beets, sautéed beet greens, pastured eggs, Bubbies sauerkraut, and grainy mustard with tea.

Snack lunch. Baby carrots, smoked mackerel, and olive tapenade.

Snack lunch. Baby carrots, smoked mackerel, and olive tapenade.

Homegrown eggs and tomato scramble.

Homegrown eggs and tomato scramble.

Some of the most amazing cantaloup I've ever tasted!

Some of the most amazing cantaloup I’ve ever tasted!


It’s so hard to believe a week has gone by! I feel like I’ve been doing this forever, and that’s a good thing! I’ve been super busy and house sitting, so here are the past 4 days wrapped up together:

Eating this way is truly starting to become so second nature. Sure there are still moments when I drool over the delicious smelling bread and pastries from Spring Mill Bread Co. that I get to slice and wrap all day at work, but I am feeling great, sleeping through the night, and loving all of the cooking and eating I’ve been doing.

All Day 8 I was taking a CPR/First Aid/AED certification class. We were stuck in this class room with no windows, and they were constantly turning down the lights so we could see the cheesy informational movies. Since I know I would be there for 8 hours, I brought lunch and lots of high protein snacks (no fruit since I know I have been out fruiting myself!).

The thing I was most amazed by was how much energy I had. Everyone there was going out to the vending machine during the breaks for their diet sodas and granola bars (isn’t it cute how so many people think that’s healthy?) and they all fell asleep! At some point during the class everyone fell asleep except for me! I was wired! I definitely contribute that to my high protein low carb/sugar intake. Stellar.

After the class I went to have dinner with my two best friends. They knew I was doing Whole30 so we planned to cook dinner. I snagged a bunch of produce from the “free to staff” (a.k.a. not pretty enough for people to purchase) bin and we wound up with a stir fry of onion, yellow peppers, zucchini, shiitake mushrooms, and chicken all sautéed in coconut oil and lime juice. Delish!


Cooking with the girls!


Onion, yellow pepper, zucchini, shiitake mushrooms, and chicken sautéed in coconut oil and lime juice.

Day 9 was a Friday and it’s always my busiest day at that! I taught yoga in the morning after drinking coffee with coconut milk and oil for “breakfast” (not a very good one, I know).

Then, I headed to work where I was really bad and had bananas with cashew, almond, and coconut butter along with some more coffee. Oh, and an organic coconut water!

Once I stopped back at the apartment, though, I made myself some proper food with scrambled eggs with cherry tomatoes in coconut oil and a perfectly ripe avocado on top.

After teaching, I headed back to the house I was house sitting at and made myself an even more proper dinner and cooked fish for my very first time! It turned out beautifully. I seared a tuna filet medallion (as it appeared on the package) in coconut oil with salt and pepper, accompanied by green beans I blanched and then sautéed in coconut oil and a sun dried tomato paste. Once it was plated, I squeezed a fresh lemon over the whole thing. Yum!

Seared wild caught tuna with green beans in a sun dried tomato paste paste with lemon.

Seared wild caught tuna with green beans in a sun dried tomato paste paste with lemon.

Day 10 was Saturday and I woke up nice and early to go for a hike with my dear friend, Chloe. Before the hike I ate a Fields of Athenry sausage, coffee with coconut milk, and some fresh papaya with lime. I had plenty of energy for the hike, but I did feel slightly dehydrated so I snagged a smart water for some extra electrolytes.

Soon I was back at work and ate a bunch of nut butter again (I’m going to turn into a nut butter!) and some organic coconut water.

After work I headed back to the house and made myself some scrambled eggs in coconut oil with kimchi for some probiotics. It was delightfully light and filling all at the same time.

Day 11 I taught yoga in the morning, but ran out of time to have anything other than coffee with coconut milk and oil in it (I am starting to love this drink more than my usual coffee with whole milk!).

After yoga I headed back to my parents’ farm and was ravenous! I ate scrambled eggs with cherry tomatoes and a little bit of spinach.

Our sheepies at the farm!

Our sheepies at the farm!

I went out to Beans in the Belfry  with my mom and grandma for a coffee. They both got cappuccinos and I was definitely jealous as I sipped by black coffee (cafes should definitely start having coconut milk as a non-dairy option!) and they noshed on a fresh fruit cup, which I avoided, but did steal a raspberry out of.

Once we got back to the farm again, I snacked on some olives, prosciutto, and sprouted almond butter.

Dinner was amazing! (Have I mentioned my mom cooks and does menu planning for a living?) We had steaks marinated in olive oil, garlic, and salt and pepper along with some Whole30-ified okra/jalapeño cakes, and tomato salad! Amaze-balls!

Marinating steaks.

Marinating steaks.



Beefy perfection.

Beefy perfection.

Mom adapted the Okra Cakes recipe from a fabulous cookbook titled, “Cooking With Les Dames d’Escoffier: At Home with the Women Who Shape the Way We Eat and Drink.”

The original recipe.

The original recipe.

Instead of using rice we used grated yellow squash, and instead of all purpose flour we used almond flour and a touch of arrow root.

Our Modified Whole30 Fresh Okra Cakes Recipe:

1/2 pound fresh okra, tips and stems removed, cut into 1/4-inch slices (about 2 cups)

1/2 cup sliced scallion

1/2 cup minced onion

1 clove garlic, minced

1 jalapeño seeded and minced

1/2 cup grated, salted, and drained yellow squash

3 tablespoons almond flour

1 tablespoon arrow root

1 tablespoon cilantro

2 large eggs beaten

Sesame Oil for frying

Prepping scallions.

Prepping scallions.

Okra is sliced!

Okra is sliced!

Ingredients mixed in a large bowl.

Ingredients mixed in a large bowl. Ours looks super yellow because we use our homegrown, free-ranged chicken eggs.

Sesame oil for frying.

Sesame oil for frying.

Frying up some okra cakes!

Frying up some okra cakes!

Placing cakes on drying rack with paper towels before placing in the oven.

Placing cakes on drying rack with paper towels before placing in the oven.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix ingredients in a large bowl. Heat sesame oil in skillet. Add 1-2 large spoonfuls to the skillet to create pancake of your optimal size (remember that smaller are easier to flip!). Once small bubbles begin to appear on the top and the bottom begins to brown flip your pancake. Once pancakes are browned place on cooling rack with paper towel and let it stay warm in the oven until ready to serve! Yum!

The finished products unite!

The finished products unite!

Day 12 has been a long day. Working customer service today was crazy busy. Busier than I think I have ever experienced first hand, and it didn’t help that I was hungry! Actually, more like hangry…

I had a big mug of the usual coffee with coconut milk and coconut oil as well as a big mug of beef stock for breakfast. It was a great start to the day, but when lunch time rolled around and I didn’t have time to eat and I started to get really hungry, it stunk.

I ate a bag of Gone Nuts! Rosemary Garlic Pistachios and Almonds , which totally hit the spot. I also grabbed a Cherry Pie Larabar which was great. I’d never had one before and really enjoyed the tartness to it, as opposed to the other ones which seem so heavy on the super sweet dates. Then I drank some greens with a Multi-Green GT Kombucha. A quick and easy snack-lunch that was just right.

When I got home I made pre-workout dinner. I picked up some dark meat ground turkey and cooked it with jalapeño and a bag of frozen bell peppers with a clove of garlic in coconut oil. Next thing I knew, I decided to veer away from my usual go-to tex-mex seasoning and give curry a whirl! I had a box of coconut cream that I knew would be great so I threw that in along with some curry powder, coriander, basil, and some unknown, unlabeled spice in my cupboard. Haha! I baked a sweet potato and poured that delicious turkey-curry concoction  all over it and topped it with from dehydrated flaked coconut. Winner.

Turkey Curry Sweet Potato Bowl.

Turkey Curry Sweet Potato Bowl.

So, if you made it this far into reading this post, thanks. I know it’s been a long one, but it’s been four days with some pretty awesome food. Just goes to show that on the Whole30, or any other lifestyle changing diet, you can really focus on what you are gaining versus what you may be giving up. I am so excited to see what other recipes I come up with over the next 18 days!

Last night was a late night, so this post is going to be quick before Day 8 gets rolling!

Yesterday felt great! Energy felt normal to better than normal, and I think that was thanks to the decent night of sleep. Although, it was interesting having nightmares about cheating on Whole30 and having to start over again! Haha! The only downside to Day 7 was that the detox breakout began.

If you have ever heard of Face Mapping or believe in such things, my break out has been in the hormonal fluctuation section. I feel like on the one hand my skin is looking better since I haven’t been having any sugar, but the lack of soy, and probably some other additives I didn’t even realize were effecting my hormones, I’m sure is what is making my hormones start to even out somehow. I’ve even notice my sex drive has been revving up, too.

I had training all day yesterday for my new position at work, so my quest to consume less sugar didn’t quite work out. The tables we were sitting at were filled with snacks and fruit. I had baby carrots in my bag, but I also ate a bunch of fruit throughout the meeting, along with some SeaSnax (they are strangely addictive!) and a bunch of coffee.

For lunch I had to maneuver through the Naked Lunch counter at MOMs Organic Market in Rockville, MD. I could eat any of the items on the menu because they were all vegan and containing some type of grain and legume, but I designed my own sweet potato. It was one of the most delicious sweet potatoes of my life!!!

Baked sweet potato with raw red onions, avocado, bell pepper, tomatoes, and Mojito Pesto dressing. Yum!

Baked sweet potato with raw red onions, avocado, bell pepper, tomatoes, and Mojito Pesto dressing. Yum!

The hardest part about putting this together at the lunch counter was reading through all of the different dressings and figuring out what type of sauce I could go with. The Mojito Pesto was just perfect!


After training I came home and made sure I got some more veggie intake for the day. I picked up some Rainbow Chard and cooked it in ghee with garlic, salt, and pepper (my go to seasonings). I made a big batch so I could have some left for Day 8 leftovers.

Rainbow Chard, the most stunning of all the leafy greens!

Rainbow Chard, the most stunning of all the leafy greens!

So my pre yoga snack was some chard, nut butter, and a giant glass of water.

Pre-Yoga snack!

Pre-Yoga snack!

My post-yoga snack was a bison burger cooked in coconut oil with a grainy dijon mustard and then I snack on kumquats, grapes, and pistachios later in the evening hanging out with friends.

I was actually tired last night when I went to bed, and I slept. Like a rock. I think I may finally be catching up on some zzzzzz’s. Yay!

Sleep didn’t go as well as I hoped last night, but it was far better than the night before, so I can’t complain there!

I woke up and had a hardboiled egg wrapped in roast beef (possibly my new favorite snack), a handful of blueberries, and grabbed a cup of coffee with coconut milk on my way to Bethesda. Then I had enough time to swing by the house again on the way to work and ate some almond butter with the rest of my coffee. I love that I can drink as much coffee as I want on this, and I have been– even if I haven’t been documenting it.

When I went to work we were in a special diets class where we were covering vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets. The pros of working at MOMs Organic Market is there are so many great dietary options for everyone, including all of us doing the Whole30 challenge. Today, however, it was slightly torturous as everyone around me was tasting yummy sweets and other snacks. I grabbed a jar of applesauce, cashew butter, and SeaSnax to keep my appetite at bay, and lucked out when we got to the raw vegan section and I got to sample a few different nut and seed based savory treats.

After work I ate some smoked salmon, green olives stuffed with jalapeños, and some more cashew butter (it’s the new crack) before taking about a 3 mile walk around Theodore Roosevelt Island.

For dinner tonight, I sautéed an adorable heirloom zucchini in coconut oil with salt and pepper along with a fried egg and bison burger followed by a spoon full of almond butter for desert.

Sautéed heirloom zucchini, bison burger and fried egg.

Sautéed heirloom zucchini, bison burger and fried egg.

Tomorrow is going to be another busy day, but I’m planning on trying to cut back on the fruit and nut butter since I can tell my body is working on me getting my sugar through them. I’ve been doing more research on sugar and how it’s processed in the body. I’m fairly certain that the lack of sugar and increase in protein has been keeping me up at night, so I also need to make sure I’m eating my protein at least 4 hours before bed.

Now it’s off to try to sleep again. Hopefully tonight will be better. I ate about 3 hours ago, so we’ll see.

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow with be a week!

Today was tough. Not because I was moody or sore, but because I was exhausted.

Last night I went to bed around 11pm and didn’t fall asleep until 4…a…m…

I tossed and turned and sweated and wished and prayed I could just fall asleep for 5 whole hours. So, when the alarm went of at 7am, I was less than thrilled.

When I woke up, I was barely hungry, but I knew I needed to eat, especially after the little I ate yesterday. I ate berries with chia and coconut on the way to the chiropractor (and boy did I appreciate that adjustment) and then headed to work. Once I got to work I realized how hungry I actually was after chatting with my fellow Whole30 co-worker who was noshing on some salami that smelled divine. So, I crushed a package of Applegate turkey bologna and some baby carrots.

That was when I got thirsty. The sodium content of the bologna just made me parched. I drank so much water, and more water, and more water.

Once my thirst had subsided, for lunch I ate salmon, a yellow pepper, an apple, cashew butter, and almond butter.



After work I had a very productive afternoon. I cleaned. It was amazing how much better and alert and clear it made me feel. I found myself sweating a lot so I drank a few huge glasses of water. Then, I ate a hardboiled egg wrapped in Applegate roast beef before I left to teach yoga.

Now I’ve just finished the left over steak and veggies that I mostly just ate the steak and avocado out of. Not feeling to hungry, but I will be eating a spoonful of almond butter shortly and hitting the hay. I’m hoping that I’ll sleep a heavy, solid sleep tonight since I’m basically sleep deprived.

Well, good night for now, and hopefully tomorrow morning I will be refreshed and well rested.

Today was definitely better than yesterday!

I slept okay. Still woke up sweating and had some tossing and turning, but had a crazy detox dream. In the dream I went to my pediatrician and he was pulling black goo out of my throat. Gross.

The alarm went off at 8:30am. I wanted to give myself more time to hopefully sleep. I woke up and headed to teach yoga. I picked up a black coffee and a banana at Starbucks on the way. (Boy was it weird not ordering a whole milk latte!) I taught my class and then had an impromptu photo shoot, so I wound up burning a ton of calories more than I expected.

I got home and had so much to do I only got to chug a big glass of water and then jumped in the car for a birthday party of a good family friend. I ate some fresh black currants (which were a super special find!) and pistachios on the way along with some original kombucha left over from the other day.

Fresh black currants.

Fresh black currants.

At the party, I ate the crudités (sans the dip) and sipped my kombucha as I watched everyone drink the bubbly, and eat little sausages and cheese and other yummy things wrapped in phyllo dough. Almost the entire party people were asking me why I was doing the Whole30, since clearly I was healthy and didn’t need to lose weight. Isn’t it funny how everyone always assumes you’re changing your diet to lose weight?

After the party I went to do AcroYoga, slack lining, and frisbee in the park. I ate some more black currants, pistachios, and some SeaSnax . Overall, not too many calories for the amount of activity I was doing.

So, why haven’t I been that hungry today??

I’m not sure, but for dinner I’m having chicken livers, beef stock in a mug, and some almond butter for dessert, just to make sure I can get some nutrient dense, high fat animal products along with a few big glasses of water.

This must be the most beautiful, darkest stock I have ever made!! The spoon even stands up in it cold. Awesome.

This must be the most beautiful, darkest stock I have ever made!! The spoon even stands up in it cold. Awesome.

Maybe this lack of appetite and better mood means I will finally sleep better tonight. One can only hope!

Today has been difficult. I was working so I didn’t really get a chance to eat a solid breakfast or lunch, although I did get to munch on some leftovers from yesterday.

It’s mostly been hard because I started getting headaches last night after posting about Day 2. I also woke up at 3 am drenched in sweat. I had been having hot flashes (keep in mind I’m 26, so we’re not talking menopausal… I hope.) the day and night before but hadn’t realized that they might actually be related to the Whole30. But today I’m certain of it. I’ve been having these temperature spikes all day whether its stress induced or just hits me. My hips have also been feeling much tighter and sore than usual.

After experiencing all of these withdrawal symptoms, I started googling and found out about something called the Carb Flu. These flu-like symptoms hit you while your body is transitioning to a strict paleo diet. It can be achey body (check), headaches (check), moodiness (check), shakiness and fatigue (check and double check). I’ve always been very conscious of what I put in my body, so I didn’t think that this transition would be as tough as it has become, but I’m certain that I will get through it and feel better soon. A lot of the posts I’ve seen say that the Carb Flu may last up to two weeks, but once you get through it you feel amazing, so that’s what I’m planning on.

To combat the sugar and carb with drawl I made a sweet potato with coconut butter, ghee, cinnamon, nutmeg, coconut flakes, and a touch of sea salt for minerals, along with a GT Original Kombucha, so I’m hoping that these few naturally occurring sugars and starches with help my body chill the eff out!! (There’s that moodiness…)

Baked sweet potato with coconut butter, ghee, cinnamon, nutmeg, coconut flakes and a touch of sea salt.

Baked sweet potato with coconut butter, ghee, cinnamon, nutmeg, coconut flakes and a touch of sea salt.

I also made chicken liver and onions, both just flavored with salt, pepper, garlic, and ghee for a little extra nutrient dense snack.

Chicken livers and onions sautéed in salt, pepper, garlic, and ghee.

Chicken livers and onions sautéed in salt, pepper, garlic, and ghee.

For dinner I went to a friend’s house. I was sad that I couldn’t partake in their creamy dressed shrimp salad, so they helped me make my own Whole30 kosher salad on the side. Their dressing had homemade mayo (but the mustard had white wine in it) and yoghurt, so that was a no-go. My little salad was so perfect for dinner, though, and I barely missed the glass of white wine along with dinner or chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream for dessert.

Shrimp salad with grapefruit, avocado, cherry tomatoes, salted cucumbers, red onion, cilantro, Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, olive oil, and fresh ground pepper.

Shrimp salad with grapefruit, avocado, cherry tomatoes, salted cucumbers, red onion, cilantro, Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, olive oil, and fresh ground pepper.

Now to permit myself a good night sleep and hopefully no waking up sweaty!! Good Night, blog land!

Day 2 was great since I only had my three yoga classes to teach and no work at MOMs, although I did go in for some grocery shopping!

I taught class at 6am this morning and had a meeting with the studio owner right after, so I was lucky to find a few carrots left in my bag from the night before.

When I got home I was starving! Not only had I not eaten, but I had worked my butt off with my students so I’m pretty sure I was down a few hundred calories.

When I got home I was so happy to have my hard boiled eggs ready to go and ate one of those along with the rest of my champagne grapes and some turkey bologna.

After my shower I hit the butcher shop in town. I’d never been before, but I was on a quest for bacon with no sugar and I had heard some good things about this place. When I went in I asked about the bacon, but it all had sugar… So, I asked if he had any pork belly. It was frozen solid in the freezer since he had just gotten it in… No pork for me… Instead I picked up a hanger steak and some chicken livers.

(If anyone knows of any good sugar-free bacon near DC, please let me know!!)

Next, I went to MOMs and picked up some produce. I got lime, cilantro, red onion, red pepper, poblano pepper, cherry tomatoes, crimini mushrooms, and berries. I also picked up some snack time items like flaked coconut and roasted and salted pistachios along with some Whole30 approved Applegate cold cuts and freshly ground Equal Exchange Peruvian Coffee.

The hanger steak rubbed with coconut oil, salt, pepper, and chili powder.

The hanger steak rubbed with coconut oil, salt, pepper, and chili powder.

I have never cooked steak before so this was a bit of an endeavor for me, but ultimately it was super easy and kind of amazing!

First, oiled my pan and steak on both sides with coconut oil and then rubbed the hanger steak with salt, pepper, and chili powder and finished it off with a drizzle of fresh lime juice. Then, around the pan I added a whole poblano pepper to roast, thickly sliced red onion, sliced red pepper, some halved crimini mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and crushed garlic cloves.



I wasn’t so sure how long to cook the steak for so I started off with 2 minutes in the broiler (I like my steak very rare), but that did not look nearly long enough so I flipped it and did 5 minutes and then flipped it again for another 5, so 12 minutes all together. For a 1 1/2 inch thick steak, it worked. It turned out perfectly!

I let the steak rest for 10 minutes and then thinly sliced it against the grain. It was beautiful! It was perfect!

Perfectly rare. Yes, you may drool.

Perfectly rare. Yes, you may drool.

After slicing, I mixed the steak back into the fajita veggies, added another fresh squeeze of lime and served it up on the plate with a fresh avocado and garnished it with cilantro. It was bangin’! AND I have enough left over for at least 2 more meals!! Woot!

I remembered the cilantro after the photo, but seriously, how amazing does that look!?

I remembered the cilantro after the photo, but seriously, how amazing does that look!?

For my post-lunch, pre-yoga snack I also devised a delicious berry salad! Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries with chia seeds and coconut flakes. My sweet tooth is 100% satisfied!

Berries with chia seeds and coconut flakes!

Berries with chia seeds and coconut flakes!

I so completely appreciated having more time to cook and eat today! Day 2 was a complete success!! I hope you enjoy these recipes, too!!