Living a life dedicated to eating a traditional, wholesome diet is a lifestyle. Cooking real food, and doing the research about what not to put in your food or eat while your out can be a full time job. Adopting this lifestyle can be challenging since it’s not readily portrayed in the media, unless it is a “How’d [insert female celebrity here] loose that weight?” I actually find the media prefers to make fun of us life-stylers since it’s easy… and we’re kind of humorous… But my point is that it is very difficult to find a community, especially as a teen or twenty-something.

I’m 25. Ever since I was in 7th grade and being 12 years old, I have dabbled in the lifestyle (thanks, mom!), and finally made the decision to give in and drink the kombucha when I turned 25. Much of that decision was based on the looming possibility of having offspring in the next few years and the gratefulness of finding a diet that really works. Making that decision was especially easy at the time since I was in Dallas at the convention and hanging out with two very cool girls my age.

The cool thing about these girls, a pair of cousins, was they were “normal” and into food– my kind of food. To have those two there to identify with my current period of life and also support my love of raw milk and all food things awesome was something I had never experienced. People my age always thought it was either weird or gross to drink raw milk. These girls were asking me where they could get it!

It can be challenging cooking for people who don’t understand that the soup they are eating is piece of edible art. The broth alone took 3 days to make, and the beef is grass fed/pasture raised, and the vegetables are organic and there is a science to how you cook them. in what order you cook them, and then you season and the whole process boils down to about 4 days of preparation and they don’t even say, “Yum.” Granted that’s a really awful house guest, but it’s happened.

My version of "cooking for one."

It’s super hard not having people around you who “get it.” Often times I find it’s easier to be bad and eat something someone else made/bought/came out of the freezer. Then I don’t have to think about cooking at all, and sometimes thats better just because it can be depressing cooking for one. (One is the loneliest number…)

Cooking for one is the worst, just because things like making bone broth, roasting a chicken, and all that good stuff can feed a family, and I’m not talking about a family of one. That’s why my freezer is packed.

I treasure those days with my Weston A. Price girlfriends. Coming home was hard. I know there is a support system here for me, but sometimes it’s difficult when a majority of the support system is older and in another stage in life. There’s not much here for younger people a.k.a. singles. I wish I could have a big party of Weston A. Price singles where everyone brings something. Something delicious, fatty, and amazing.

To feel supported and loved in your endeavor of traditional food is crucial. It’s easy to feel discouraged when the people you love most treat you like a wackadoo and roll their eyes when you try to share information that is just so fascinating!

I still keep in touch with the girls, and I look forward to hearing from them and get a huge smile every time something pops into my virtual or physical mail box. My reassurance is that my Weston A. Price friends will continue to multiply. I will get older and more people will get it. I will enter that age of motherhood when the lightbulb seems to go off.